Kinogeher Christianebuecher 2025

Sound Design Marilyn Janssen

Erzählungen eines Kinogehers
Kinodokumentarfilm | 2025 | 100′

For Erzählungen eines Kinogehers, filmmaker Christiane Büchner works extensive interviews with the late Werner Dütsch, a commissioning editor at the German television station WDR, and massively influential figure in postwar West German film culture, into a moving portrait of cinephilia through time.

Werner Dütsch, a commissioning editor at the German television station WDR, was, for a time, one of the most influential figures in the film culture of the nation – and surely recognisable to many an older regular of IFFR! In Rotterdam, Dütsch was either looking for films he could buy for TV, or presenting co-productions. Together with his colleagues at the WDR film department, he became a mentor to generations of German cinephiles due to the film historical documentaries they produced, as well as thanks to the directors they cultivated for the television masses, including luminaries like Johan van der Keuken, Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub, but also genre movie axioms like Joseph H. Lewis and Jack Arnold.

Shortly before his death, Christiane Büchner conducted several days of interviews with the stalwart figure which she has worked into a miniature history of post-war West Germany and its film culture, brought to life with pictures and animated re-imaginings of the cinema Dütsch loved and made so many of us believe in.

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O-Ton-Schnitt, Sound Design, 5.1. Kinomischung (mit Ralf Schipke)

Buch und Regie: Christiane Büchner
Produktion: Büchnerfilm / Berlin

Weltpremiere: International Fimfestival Rotterdam, 2. Februar 2025


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Kinoggaenger Duetsch Plakat 2024

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